This privacy policy (“Policy”) sets out the manner in which Vertamar Marketing Private Limited and its affiliates ( “We”, “Our”, “Us”) collects, uses, maintains and shares information about you (“User” or “You”) through online interfaces (e.g. - mobile applications, website) owned and controlled by Us (collectively referred to herein as the “Systems”).

In the course of Your use or access of the Systems or receipt or use of the products/services provided by Us, We may collect different categories of information from You.  This Policy endeavours to inform You of the types of information that may be collected, and the manner in which such information is collected, used, processed, disclosed and maintained. This Policy must be read in conjunction with other agreements You enter into with Us and such other terms of use as may be published by Us whether on Our website or otherwise.

Please read and understand the Policy carefully. Your use or access of the Systems and use of the services provided by Us, shall constitute Your agreement to this Policy. If You do not agree with Our policies and Our practices as described in this Policy, Your choice is to not use Our Systems. 

By accepting the Policy you expressly consent to OUR use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

  • This Policy shall apply to all information We collect through the Systems and/or in the course of Your use of Our website.
  • This Policy does not apply to, nor do we take any responsibility for, any information that is collected by any third party either using Systems or through any links on the Systems or through any of the advertisements or through BOTS.

©     This Policy is an electronic record and is governed by the provisions under the Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules made thereunder as may be applicable, and the amended provisions pertaining to electronic records in various statutes as amended by the Information Technology Act, 2000. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.

  • We will only collect information which You share with Us. You can choose what information You want to share with Us. We will collect Your information only if You choose to share it through Our Systems.
  • We will collect the following information about You or related to Your use of Our Systems:
  1. any personal information that You may submit or may be required to submit for registration and continued use of the Systems for the purchase of products or receive services by Us;
  2. Information including but not limited to Your name, email address, residential address, phone numbers;
  • We may collect such information which when combined with other pieces of information available with Us could reasonably allow You to be identified and
  1. information about Your computer system, communication device, device id, internet protocol address, browser details and location.

The aforementioned shall be collectively referred to as (“Personal Information”);

  • Please do not include any personally identifiable information or sensitive personal information unless specifically requested by Us as part of the registration or other applicable processes. If We determine that any information You have provided or uploaded violates the terms of this Policy, We have the right, in Our absolute discretion, to delete or destroy such information without incurring any liability to You.
  • We collect information volunteered by users (such as optional survey/poll information and/or site registration). These surveys may ask You for contact information and demographic information.
  • When You use Our Systems, We collect and store Your Personal Information in order to record, support and facilitate Your experience with Us, track Your preferences, to notify You of any updated information and new activities and other related functions offered by Us, keep You informed about Our latest, special offers, and other products and services available on/at the Website, to assist You with customer service or technical support issues, to follow up with You after Your visit to the Systems.  For the aforesaid purpose, We only collect such personal information that We consider relevant to understand You or Your interests.
  • Other Information: We may also collect other information about You in ways that the System shall describe to You or otherwise with Your consent like the permission to access Your location, camera usage  microphone access etc. You can choose not to provide Us with certain types of information, but doing so may affect Your ability to avail and/or use some services on Our Systems.
  • We shall collect the information that are provided by You as direct user input in the course of Your use of the Systems or purchase of products and/or services provided by Us.
  • We receive and store any information You enter on Our website or give Us in any other way. We will always process Your e-mail address and password that You submit to Us when You sign up for Your account with Us. You can choose not to provide certain information but then You might not be able to take advantage of many of Our features. We use the information that You provide for such purposes as responding to Your requests, customized future shopping for You, improving Our platform, and communicating with You.
  • We shall also collect information through automatic tracking of Your use of the Systems. The information collected with respect to Your use of the Systems may include IP addresses, details of Your computer system, device id, browser, location, connections, or any information that We may collect through the use of cookies and other tracking technologies. The collection of data may in most cases be automatic.

"Cookies" are files that would be placed in Your computer system’s or device’s hard drive and browser and are intended to improve Your experience of use of the Systems, by enabling Us track Your usage of the Systems and preference, a history of the pages You view, time and date, advertisements and links that You visit and other user information. Our cookies do not contain any personally identifying information, but they do enable Us to identify You in case You have visited us earlier and to store items in Your shopping cart between visits. Note that these files in no way allow Us to access Your hard drive at any time; it only allows Your system to tell Us that You have previously visited Our site. You may decline these cookies by changing Your settings. However, do note that doing so may impact certain features of Our Systems. A persistent cookie remains after You close Your browser and may be used by Your browser on subsequent visits to Our Systems. Persistent cookies can be removed using tools available in some browsers. Please review Your web browser “Help” file to learn the best way to modify Your cookie settings.

  • The information that We collect through the Systems will be used for these following purposes:
    1. We use the information to improve Our platform, prevent or detect fraud or abuses of Our website;
    2. We will use the information to provide You with Your order history, details around Your orders and enable You to handle Your account settings. We will also provide You with easy ways to maintain accurate and updated information such as contact details and payment information;
  • We use the information that You provide for such purposes like responding to Your requests, customizing future shopping for You and communicating with You;
  1. We may use the information for internal analysis and to provide You with location-based services, such as advertising, search results, and other personalized content;
  2. Furthermore, We will enable You to save items in Your shopping bag, offer You size recommendations and enable You to rate and review the products You've purchased from Us. In order to provide You with relevant product recommendations We will process Your navigation and browsing on Our digital platforms, Your shopping history and product reviews as well as the data You submitted to Us through Your account.
  • Except as otherwise provided herein, no personally identifiable information will be disclosed or shared with any third party without Your express consent.
  • We will not publish, sell or rent Your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes without Your explicit consent.
  • You agree that We may use Your personal information to contact You and deliver information, to provide services sought by You from Us and to deliver targeted advertisements, administrative notices and any other communication relevant to Your use of the Systems.
  • Legal ground to process data: Processing Your personal data is necessary for Us to fulfil the service of managing and delivering the order to You. The processing of Your personal data for Your account is based on Your consent when You create Your account with Us.
  • The information You provide on the Systems may be disclosed by Us with our employees, agents, representatives, consultants, third party advertisers, subsidiaries and affiliates, or to other third party service providers who require the information for the purposes of operating and maintaining the Systems and are also under an obligation to keep such information confidential.
  • We will comply with requests and directions of all governmental, law enforcement or regulatory authorities, which it believes in good faith to be in accordance with any applicable law. Such compliance may include disclosing to the governmental, law enforcement or regulatory authorities information submitted by You or collected in relation to Your use of the Systems including any personally identifiable information. By using the Systems, You consent to Our disclosure of information as set out in this Section to governmental, law enforcement or regulatory authorities.


You have the right to terminate Your account at any time, if You choose to do so Your account will cease to exist. We will retain Your information and any data for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted under the applicable law. In some cases, even after cancellation of the user account, Your Information may be retained for the purpose of legal and regulatory compliances or for any other reason which may be deemed necessary. However, the information of the User will get anonymized upon cancellation of user account except for the abovementioned purposes.

The Information collected on the Systems shall be stored and processed in India and shall be governed by the applicable laws of India ( including data protection and privacy laws).

  • The security of Your Personal Information is important to us. We have implemented security policies, rules and technical measures, as required under applicable law including firewalls, transport layer security and other physical and electronic security measures to protect the Personal Information from unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification and unlawful destruction or accidental loss. When You submit Your information on the System, Your information is protected through Our security systems. Please note that We use industry-recognized standards such as per applicable laws, rules and regulations
  • As a user of the Systems, You have the responsibility to ensure data security. You must not disclose to any person the authentication parameters that are assigned to You including Your username or password for Your use of the Systems. You acknowledge that You will be solely responsible for all acts committed by use of Your username /other authentication parameters.
  • Although We make best possible efforts to transmit and store all the information provided by You in a secure operating environment that is not open to public, You understand and acknowledge that there is no such thing as complete security and We do not guarantee that there will be no unintended disclosures of any information and potential security breaches. You agree not to hold Us responsible for any breach of security or for any action of any third parties that receives Your Personal Information or events that are beyond Our reasonable control including, acts of government, computer hacking, unauthorized access to computer data and storage device, computer crashes, technical glitches, breach of security and encryption, etc.
  • You can change, alter or otherwise modify or update the information submitted by You, object/withdraw Your consent from processing of Your Personal Information at any time by accessing the Systems, and authenticating Yourself by using Your registered username or accessing Your user account, as applicable.
  • You may also change and/or delete any of the information You have submitted. We reserve the rights to retain any information regarding Your usage of the Systems.
  • You are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of the Personal Information submitted to Us at the time of login.

The Systems are only intended for Users who are of 18 years of age or older, unless represented by a parent or legal guardian. If You are not of the requisite age You must not provide any information to Us either directly or by way of usage of the Systems. If We determine that any information belonging to an individual below 18 years of age which is submitted, collected or generated in breach of the terms of this Policy, We will delete the same without any notice to the individual to whom such information belongs.


We may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes to Our information practices. If We make any material changes, We will provide notice on this website and/or We may notify You by email (sent to e-mail address specified in Your account), prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage You to periodically review this page for the latest information on Our privacy practices. If You continue to use the services after those changes are in effect, You agree to the revised policy.


If You have any issue or grievance with respect to Our Privacy Policy or with the manner in which we collect or store Your information, or in any respect related to Your personal information provided to Us, please contact our customer support team at, or write to us at Vertamar Marketing Private Limited, 208, Lake Gardens, West Bengal, Kolkata - 700045, or phone us at 8981130888, which we have provided in accordance with the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the rules made there under. We will do everything We reasonably can to ensure that Your grievance is attended to within a period of 30 days from the date of receipt of Your grievance.